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- ✳️ Friday Mindfulness: Intuition
✳️ Friday Mindfulness: Intuition
✳️ Friday Mindfulness: Intuition
Quote of the day:
“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.”
– Albert Einstein
What is it?
Intuition is often described as a feeling, a hunch, or a sense of something that comes from within. It's an inner knowing that helps guide us towards the right decisions or actions. Everyone has intuition. It's about learning how to listen to it, understand it, and trust it.
Do you ever have a gut feeling about something, but then ignore it and later regret it? Like saying the statement, “I should have trusted my gut.” That's your intuition trying to guide you towards the right decision.
Intuition is often associated with the right brain, which is responsible for creativity, imagination, and our intuition. Our left brain, on the other hand, is responsible for logic, analysis, and reasoning. Most of us rely too heavily on our left brain, that we usually miss out on the subtle cues and information that our intuition is trying to tell us.
Why does it matter?
There are many successful people who tout using their intuition like Oprah, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson & Steven Spielberg. Intuition it supposed to help you trust the unknown and to take more risks, because taking risks are what really help our souls grow. Tapping into our intuition can provide numerous benefits in various aspects of our lives:
It can aid in decision-making, particularly when we have the logical information but we are still unsure of what path to take. By listening to our intuition, we can make choices that align with our highest values and beliefs.
It can help us tap into our creativity. Intuition allows us to explore new ideas and possibilities without the constraints of our inner voice which is typically a negative critic.
Our intuition can guide us in navigating relationships. Sometimes, we may have a gut feeling about someone that we can't quite explain, or our body language changes around certain people. Our bodies have a cool way of reflecting what our inner emotional state is without us even realizing.
Intuition can also aid in personal growth and self-discovery. It helps bring us back to our true desires, values, and purpose. By listening to our intuition, we can make positive changes in our lives, get back on our path, and align with our highest potential.
An important note is learning to decipher between your anxious thoughts and your intuition. Intuition will feel neutral, like you don’t care, where fear/anxiety, will feel alarming, urgent, and emotional. If you play out the “what to do” scenario out in your head usually the one that feels the most comfortable, less stressful, and less worrisome is your intuition.
How to connect inwards?
You need to slow down and listen to your inner voice, even if it goes against what your logical mind is telling you.
Start practicing mindfulness and doing meditation. This can help you become more aware of your thoughts. By developing this awareness, it will help you recognize and trust your intuition more easily.
Pay attention to your body. Your body can provide valuable information about how you're feeling and what your intuition is telling you. Notice any physical sensations you experience when you're faced with a decision or situation. For example, do you feel tense or relaxed?
Use a journal to write down your thoughts and feelings. Try jotting down any intuitive hunches or specific feelings you notice throughout the day. Write down what comes to you without thinking. This can help you better understand what your intuition is trying to tell you.
Practice making decisions based on your intuition. Start with small decisions and see how your intuition guides you. Over time, you may find that your intuition becomes a more reliable source of guidance.
Finally, trust yourself and your (gut) intuition, even if it doesn't make logical sense at the time. Your intuition is often right. Learn to trust it and see where it takes you.
Trusting your intuition also means letting go of the need for certainty and control. We need to be open to the insights and guidance that come to us, even if they don't make sense at first.
Intuition is a powerful tool that we all have access to but like everything it is a muscle we need to train and practice using. By tuning in and trusting our inner voice, we can make better decisions, connect with others on a deeper level, and navigate challenges with greater ease.
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