The Mindset Edit


Quote of the Day

“You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching, Love like you'll never be hurt, Sing like there's nobody listening, And live like it's heaven on earth.”

William W. Purkey 

The Paradoxes We Encounter On Our Journey of Personal Growth

Isn't it wild how you can feel a lack of trust but still trust in that feeling? Or how you can feel a lack of confidence but have confidence in experiencing that lack? You might even feel out of control but realize you're controlling that feeling of being out of control. These paradoxes aren't signs of failure; they show just how deep and resilient we are. They highlight our ability to hold seemingly opposing truths simultaneously, reflecting our complex, multifaceted nature and the strength required to navigate these intricacies.

These contradictions remind us that growth isn't a straight path. It's messy, full of twists and turns, and often doesn't make sense at first. By accepting these paradoxes, we let ourselves feel everything without judgment, understanding that each feeling is part of our journey. This acceptance allows us to embrace our whole selves, recognizing that every emotion, even the contradictory ones, has a place in our personal evolution.

When you feel a lack of trust, trust that you're building it. When you're not feeling confident, be confident that it's a step towards self-assurance. And when you feel out of control, remember that you're actually controlling how you navigate those feelings. These paradoxes can be seen as opportunities for growth, inviting us to dig deeper into our self-awareness and to find strength in vulnerability.

Embracing these paradoxes helps us move forward with more self-awareness and compassion. It shows us that sometimes, growth means sitting with discomfort, trusting the journey, and having faith in our ability to handle life's complexities. It teaches us that resilience is not about having unwavering strength but about the capacity to adapt and find balance amid conflicting emotions and situations.

So, next time you're feeling any of these paradoxes, know that it's all part of the process. Trust your journey, even when it feels uncertain. Have confidence in your growth, even when you doubt. And remember, when you feel out of control, you're actually showing incredible strength by navigating those feelings. These paradoxes are not setbacks but powerful reminders of your inner resilience and depth.




The Retreat Is Going Virtual

One-time Offering: Three weeks of content, hypnosis meditations, energy healings, and actionable tools plus Two personal live 1:1’s

Module 1: Self Image & Self Love. This section is all about transforming how you see yourself by reprogramming your subconscious mind and stripping away the misleading beliefs you’ve been taught about your identity. This process unlocks your full capabilities and soul potential, allowing you to navigate each day with confidence and a profound trust in your unique makeup and inherent strengths.

Module 2: Releasing Blocks and Healing/Uncovering Past Memories Holding Us Back. This section is all about unpacking and healing from old traumas, limiting beliefs, and repetitive patterns. It’s about understanding more about why we get stuck and how the law of reflection works in our creator field. This process involves learning from past lessons and clearing the way to operate at our fullest potential without feeling continually held back or trapped.

Module 3: Manifestation. This section is all about getting to grips with manifestation—understanding how we bring our desires into reality. We’ll dive into the essential ingredients needed for creation, from pinpointing what we truly want to grasping the universal laws at play in our lives. It’s about getting a clear on what we want and reprogramming the subconscious to get onboard with it.

Reply here if you are interested in learning more, 10 spots open, only 5 spots left. Opening ends today at midnight!

Book 1:1 With Stephanie

This is for you if….

  • You know deep down that you're meant for more and are ready to step into your full potential.

  • You feel like there are blocks holding you back, but you're struggling to uncover and overcome them on your own

  • You've been trying to change your mindset and break free from old patterns, but you keep finding yourself stuck in the same cycles.

  • You're committed to doing the inner work necessary to shift your perspective.

  • You're ready to release limiting beliefs, self-doubt, and patterns of scarcity that have been holding you back.

  • You're seeking personalized guidance, support, and accountability to accelerate your journey toward success and fulfillment.

  • You're deeply immersed in the wellness world and have explored various modalities, yet still feel like something is missing or not fully aligned.

Send me an email ([email protected]) or DM (@stephbodie) if you are interested in getting more information about the services!

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