Podcast Edit


Affirmation of the Day

I choose to align with my higest self and actively work towards my goals.

Episode 9:

Uncover the Mind Through the Conscious vs Subconscious Parts of the Brain


  • Understanding the Mind: Distinguishing between the conscious and subconscious mind.

  • The Role of Autopilot: How subconscious programming influences our automatic responses.

  • Conflict Between Desires and Beliefs: The dissonance between conscious goals and subconscious beliefs.

  • Rewiring Neural Pathways: Methods to adjust the brain’s neural pathways for better harmony between the conscious and subconscious.

  • Key Brain Areas Discussed:

    • Prefrontal Cortex: Focus on decision making and rational thinking.

    • Amygdala: Its role in processing emotions and fear, contributing to the fight or flight response.

    • Hippocampus: Important for memory formation and recalling experiences to influence present behavior.

    • Insular Cortex: Associated with emotional experiences and bodily sensations.

    • Basal Ganglia: Central to forming habits and routines, both positive and negative.

  • Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: Techniques to challenge and change deep-seated beliefs.

  • Empowering Personal Transformation: Practical tools for reshaping mental processes to better reflect personal aspirations.


πŸ§–πŸ»β€β™€οΈ I have been using food as source of my probiotics over supplements. My favorite is coconut cult, all you need is one scoop a day (make sure to not double dip the spoon if you have more than one scoop). I have also been incorporating kimchi, kefir, and picked veggies.

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