podcast edit


Affirmation of the Day

I embrace my unique qualities and strengths.

Episode 13:

Shift Your Energy to Be More Magnetic


  • The concept of embodying your most magnetic self through the lens of energy dynamics and self-perception.

  • How our internal energy, influenced by childhood beliefs and self-image, impacts our ability to attract desired outcomes.

  • The importance of shifting from seeking external validation to fostering self-awareness and internal validation.

  • She introduces practical tools for observing oneself from a third-party perspective, emphasizing the role of self-perception in shaping personal interactions and achievements.

  • Embrace your unique qualities and cultivate a confident, authentic presence to attract positive experiences and relationships.


🧖🏻‍♀️ Right when you wake up, take advantage of the theta brainwave state, a time when your mind is especially receptive and calm. Before getting out of bed, silently say three things you are grateful for. This simple practice can set a positive tone for your day, enhance your mood, and foster a mindset of abundance and appreciation.

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